If you are on campus and have already signed into another BGU system, like Blackboard, you may already be signed in to WorldCat. If not, look for the Sign In button in the top-right corner of the WorldCat homepage.
If you are a BGU student sign in using your full BGU email as your username and the same password you use for BGU email.
If you are a BGU staff member or an external library patron your username is the barcode number from your ID / library card. You will need to set your own password the first time you login using the set/reset password button.
Once signed in you can check what you have on loan, when items are due back, view the status of holds and check if you have any outstanding charges (e.g., inter-library loan fees). You can also use your account to create and save lists of WorldCat resources.
If you followed the guidance above but are having difficulty logging into your library account please check that you can login successfully to your BGU email account - if you can access your email but not your library account, contact us (, 01522 583790). If you can't access either, contact the IT Helpdesk (, 01522 583666) or follow the instructions for resetting your BGU password under this FAQ.
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